Sunday, November 14, 2010

Florida Cinderella

Date of film: 1960s; Physical description: B&W; sound; original length: 12:45.

General note: Excerpt of original. The Miss Florida Pageant begins in Sarasota with the girls checking into a motel on Lido Beach. They get a room, roommate, a number, and a chaperone; then they get into bathing suits. They cavort and mug for the cameras, frolic in the surf, and practice for the big night. They pose, frolic some more, have their hair done, and drink a Pepsi for the camera. They visit Sarasota Jungle Gardens, Circus Hall of Fame, and Horn's Cars of Yesterday and eat at Seven Steers Steak House. Then the big event is shown. Produced by FDC.

Source: To see full-length versions of this and other videos from the State Archives of Florida, visit

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